Friday, April 27, 2007

Wosie Wenee Wodnina Wat

Many of you may remember that Rosie gave me a rat for Christmas. I named her Wosie Wenee Wodnina Wat. She was such a tiny little thing with huge feet. I thought I'd show you what she looks like now, a mere 4 months later. She is no longer tiny, but a big tub-o-lard. (I'm so proud!) She still loves to hang out in level undergarment. She is also a big weenie. Poor thing! She is pretty sweet, however, and loves to lick my lips (and up my nose, but I don't let her!).

Baby Wosie is above and current Wosie is below. You can see her size change in comparison to hands. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! I can't believe that she still fits in your level undergarment. She's huge! She's obviously thrived.