Sunday, June 25, 2006

A Visit From Family

Ellen and Joel came to visit Montana for two weeks with Alena, Jessica, RJ, Stephen, Rosie, and Hannah. They have been able to do tons of things so far. They will be leaving to go to their friends' farm this evening for a few days.

Alena, Rosie, Kim, and Mom sang "Here I am to Worship" for church. Posted by Picasa

Jessi got some new clothes Posted by Picasa

The only picture I have of Joel ;) Posted by Picasa

Jumping! (Rosie and Hannah) Posted by Picasa

Being Goofy in mom's room (Stephen, RJ, Alena) Posted by Picasa

Ellen with four of the five ferrets: Bandit, Cootie, Taz, and Pepper Posted by Picasa

Alena spent a lot of time with her boyfriend, Nick Posted by Picasa

Some family came over for ice cream. They were hungry! Posted by Picasa

Watching a goofy short video Posted by Picasa

Ellen gave Kim this blanket Posted by Picasa

Derek, Laurie, and Kellen Posted by Picasa

Wild Croquet! Posted by Picasa

Stuck in the Garden Hazzard  Posted by Picasa

Mom ended up in the driveway! Posted by Picasa

You broke my mallet! Posted by Picasa

Foof head RJ Posted by Picasa

Fun at Qwivels! Posted by Picasa

Race Cars! Posted by Picasa

Bumper Cars! They were really fun. Posted by Picasa

We got a free water war for everybody! Posted by Picasa

Water War! Posted by Picasa

We went to see bears near hungry horse Posted by Picasa

Taking Ferrets on a walk Posted by Picasa

Sleeping in the tent with Rosie and Hannah Posted by Picasa

Sleeping in the tent with Rosie and Hannah Posted by Picasa