Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Look who's 1!!!!

Water Festival

Hannah sliding down Eugene's biggest slip 'n slide. (They claimed it was the world's biggest one, but Big Sky Bible Camp has a bigger one!)
Jessi and Hannah kayaking. They didn't stay out very long because Hannah got a little scared.
Rosie could kayak like a pro!

Kitty fun!

My favorite Kitty - Pinkie! She's so cute!
Ellen holding all seven kitties at once. It's not so easy anymore. :)
Larry says, "Oh dear! Excuse me!" (Hannah took this picture!)
Me with pink-a-zoid and Thor, the warrior princess
Me holding all the kitties and sporting a cheesy smile!

Random Silliness

Dogpile on Jessica!!!!
These two are very frightening!
Group shot in the mirror.

Kitties again!

Gretel says, "Yo!"
Tickle-Me-Thor Doll ;)
Poor Sasha's mug shot
Blueberry looking cute.

Pink Diablo planning her next diabolical move.
Larry perfecting the art of laziness.
Raspberry is so cute!

Monday, July 30, 2007

Montana or bust

Due to financial reasons, I have decided to move back to Montana. I will hopefully be able to pay off some of my debt and get my head back above water over there. Please pray for me as I try to get this all under control.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

4th of July

Rosie helps Hannah light one as our neighbors light one in the street.

Look at that one! RJ and Hannah view the fireworks from on top of the car.

Some of the Kittens

Larry (or Larri, since she is a girl)
Blueberry (or Bluebell the Troll)
Sasha - our only boy
Thor - goddess of war ;)
I'm missing a picture of Pink Diablo and Gretel. I'm loading these at the library and their computers are not being as cooperative as I would like.

Mom's Adventure in Oregon

Mom came to visit me in the middle of June. I think she had a fun adventure. She was able to meet our new pets, as well as your new kittens. It was fun having her here! :)
A shadow of psychos. Starting from the left there is RJ, mom, Hannah, Sobaka, and Jessi.
Mom and Jessi on a walk we took.
Mom being, well....umm....Mom. Enough said!
Mom being eaten by a duck at the science factory.
Mom being a model at the beach.
The ocean! We had fun finding beaches along the Oregon coast. We kept finding ones that required too much walking to get to, so we wimped out on them and found easy beaches. :)

Friday, July 06, 2007

Thanks Laura!

Well, It's time for my fourth post that has an exclamation point in the title. :) He He. As you know, my computer was not working. It had a virus that made it so it wouldn't open windows. (Kind of hard to do anything on a computer that won't open windows!) My friend and co-worker, Laura (who is newly pregnant!), had offered me a new hard drive in the past. I asked her if it was still available and it was! She installed it in my computer. After that was installed, the old one decided it wanted to work again, so it was also left in my computer as the slave drive. Laura also found another memory card (stick, microchip, whatever) and added it to my computer. She then happened to find a spare CD burner lying around and put that as well into my computer. She then downloaded a free antivirus program on there. It's now like I have a brand new computer. It's great! I ran the antivirus program and found a trojan horse or two that were promptly deleted. Thanks, Laura, for giving me so many things! It means a lot to a person of low financial means, such as myself. :)

Monday, July 02, 2007

Happy Birthday, Asher!

The cutest nephew on the planet just celebrated his 1st birthday! Yay! He's such a big boy! I'll add pictures when I am able to (which is not now!). I still don't have internet at home and my computer is still dead. I just wanted to say, Happy Birthday little man!