Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Christmas Overview

Sparky subtly asking for some handouts.
Dad pouting in the corner. I don't know why!
Grandma and her "kids".
Samantha, Johnny & Tim
Mom gave me all her Africa stuff!
Mom wearing her "Asher & Ayden" necklace.
Dad with his fourth Sudoku gift.
My crazy parents with the gift of Java, Java, Java!

Cutie Boys

My friend, Laura, put this together of Goonie Head and Elf Boy. It's really cute. Thanks, Laura!

Monday, December 29, 2008

My Quilting Project

I saw this design on the wall of a classroom in Paxon School. I liked it a lot, so I drew myself a picture of it, complete with measurements so I could make my own. I'm pretty proud of how it turned out. It's the first time I tried to so something like that. There were only a few snafoos. :)

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Asher's Impersonations

Asher Cullen, the cutest immortal vampire child ever.

Asher as Grover Gil, the little toady that followed Scut Farkis around in "A Christmas Story".

Little Boys are so fun.

Thanksgiving with Grandma...