Sunday, November 12, 2006

Petting Zoo

A local pet store has a petting zoo every Saturday and Sunday. We came to visit it. We saw sugar gliders, hedgehogs, possums, ferrets, iguanas, tortoises, birds, bunnies, and tons of snakes! It was fun to hold all the animals. They were all very well trained. I'd love to get their trained parakeets and cockatiels. :)

I had this picture taken just for mom. I know she'd be proud to see her daughter with a fashionable boa. ;) Posted by Picasa

Hannah modeling on of the boas while Jessi shows Ellen the other one. Posted by Picasa

Cheese! Posted by Picasa

Rosie with the giant iguana, Guido. Posted by Picasa

RJ intruduced himself to the parakeets. Posted by Picasa

Ellen with an Albino Hedgehog. He was an active little guy! His quills felt like pine tree (the rough, pokey kind that don't hurt your fingers.) Posted by Picasa

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Strawberry the Terror

Carrot Cat Posted by Picasa

Strawberry exploring the carrot bag. She enjoyed playing with them. Posted by Picasa

Comfy kitty! Posted by Picasa

Asher is 4 months old!

I'm so comfy! Posted by Picasa

Mom! You're taking a picture of me like this?!?! Posted by Picasa

Give me freedom! Posted by Picasa

I can fly!! Is this ok, mom? Posted by Picasa

No, I'm not a crab! Posted by Picasa

Giggle Bee Posted by Picasa

Grandma helping Asher do the cake walk Posted by Picasa

Look what I won! Posted by Picasa

Hey Grandma! My diaper is almost full for you! ;) Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


Getting ready. I was spraying Jessi's hair. Do you think the spray stunk? Posted by Picasa

Green Ferret Butt Posted by Picasa

Hey there! Posted by Picasa

I was a Eugene Native. Don't I look authentic? Well, when in Rome.... Posted by Picasa

Painting faces Posted by Picasa

Getting zapped with Hannah's powers (notice her pink scalp) while Rosie contemplates eating Hannah's brain. Posted by Picasa

RJ and Jessi, the dead things. Jessi died in her sleep and RJ was run over by a car in the church parking lot. They decided to stop by the church harvest party on their way to heaven. Posted by Picasa