Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Mom's Adventure in Oregon

Mom came to visit me in the middle of June. I think she had a fun adventure. She was able to meet our new pets, as well as your new kittens. It was fun having her here! :)
A shadow of psychos. Starting from the left there is RJ, mom, Hannah, Sobaka, and Jessi.
Mom and Jessi on a walk we took.
Mom being, well....umm....Mom. Enough said!
Mom being eaten by a duck at the science factory.
Mom being a model at the beach.
The ocean! We had fun finding beaches along the Oregon coast. We kept finding ones that required too much walking to get to, so we wimped out on them and found easy beaches. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I did have fun! I always have fun when I visit you. :o) You know... great minds think alike.... scary, huh! :o)